Financial Fitness Series - What's In a Credit Score?
Understanding CreditAs a financial trainer, I work with my clients in all aspects of their financial lives to make sure they are tone and buff and prepared to deal with any financial obstacles that they will face in life. An important step we take in getting them financially fit, is a focus on credit. Before they meet with me, most of my clients fall in one of two categories. The first is that they do not know what their credit score is, and they have no idea how to improve it or what it even means to them. The second category are those people who have made poor decisions where credit is concerned and have found themselves in credit trouble.So this week I wanted to focus on the former category and help bring a greater awareness to your credit score and educate you so that you do not become the latter. In a few weeks I will blog about what you should do if you have already created a credit problem in your life.Infographics are awesome!I wrote a detailed post about the basics of your credit score, and then I was looking for an image for my blog, and came across this awesome infographic on the Bank of America website. It does a great job of breaking down all of the basics, and shows in pictures what I wanted to say. Tomorrow, I will share more about the importance of a healthy credit score in your life.