Weekly Roundup


Father's Day Theme Week

I like to keep my blog weeks somewhat theme focused. I have found that it helps me organize my thoughts and what I want to highlight. This is the first week in a long time that I am solidly all in one theme of Father's, so I figured I would make my roundup focused on dads as well. On Monday, I shared the song that my dad and I danced to at my wedding and how it changed my relationship with my dad. On Wednesday, I highlighted a clip from one of my favorite episodes of the Cosby Show with a great financial lesson. Yesterday, I shared my top ten tv dads with a clip of my own dad who was featured on Good Morning America this week as he was the lead surgeon on a successful surgery that separated conjoined twins 18 years ago. On Tuesday, I posted on Young Adult Money about the 5 gifts you shouldn't give your frugal wife.

Here are my favorite Father's Day inspired reads this week:

  1. Michelle at Budget Bloggess shared some great examples of how her dad is frugal.
  2. Julie at Millennial Cents shared what her dad taught her about business and he sounds like an amazing role model.
  3. Mel from Broke Girl Rich shared money lessons from her dad and it sounds like our dads were both students of the Draconian method of parenting.
  4. Laurie at The Frugal Farmer shared some great Father's Day gift ideas that you can still accomplish before tomorrow.
  5. Kim from Eyes on the Dollar gave some more great Father's Day gift ideas for the hard to shop for dad which I feel is every dad.

Thank you to Broke Girl Rich and Finance Girl for highlighting my posts this week! I appreciate it! To all you dads out there, I hope you have a wonderful Father's Day! I am fortunate to have a wonderful dad and also I am married to a wonderful dad! Happy Father's Day FB Hubby!  He is easy to shop for because all he really wants is peace and quiet. :-)

What are your weekend plans? Will you be celebrating Father's Day?