Weekly Roundup
Life is about choices
This week, I was focused on choices. On Monday, I shared my story about the difficulty in choosing physical health and how the financial health process if very similar. Tuesday I appeared on Young Adult Money sharing 5 ways you can save money on groceries. On Wednesday I talked about why I choose to blog and how much I love the personal finance blogging community. Yesterday I shared my top ten money saving choices that I have made thus far as well as an awesome veggie chili made with quinoa for those who choose to go vegan.
Here is what I enjoyed reading this week:
- Cat from Budget Blonde shared the 4 lessons she is going to teach those cute twins on Young Adult Money.
- Stefanie from The Broke and Beautiful Life discussed whether or not you should buy or rent dresses.
- Grayson from Debt Roundup asked about personal responsibility where debt is concerned after an interesting comment from one of his readers.
- Shannon from The Heavy Purse shared her thoughts on whether parents should help pay for college for their kids or focus on retirement.
- Natalie from The Finance Girl shared 19 ways you can improve yourself which I believe really does improve your finances.
A shout out to my friend John from Frugal Rules and Sprout Wealth who has now taken on another blog, Wise Dollar, and I am psyched that he will be sharing in this endeavor with my other blog friend, Laurie from The Frugal Farmer. Can't wait to read what they are going to be writing about over there!
What are you choosing to do this weekend?