Weekly Roundup
My recap
I don't know about you, but I am really thankful for the weekend and some time to get caught up on my life. I spent most of this past week in Austin working with my amazing publishing team at Greenleaf/River Grove Books. It was our first chance to meet in person and kick off the book process, and I am really excited about it. Stay tuned on that front! On the blog this week I talked about the value of waiting where money decisions are concerned. On Wednesday, I shared my final Women's Power Wednesday for the month and my thoughts on the experience. It really was so exciting to see such strong support for so many women. And I have to give a big high five to my friend Laurie at The Frugal Farmer for standing by my side every Wednesday and Shannon at The Heavy Purse who was there as well. Friday I shared a $15 dollar dinner for four that requires waiting, and it is SO worth the wait! I also shared my list of the top ten inspirational women in my life.Here is what I enjoyed reading this week.
- I keep saying I want to coupon more, and DC at Young Adult Money shared an amazingly thorough and informative blog and now I am not only inspired, but have great resources to move forward.
- Hayley at a Disease Called Debt shared her story of her 3 year old's official start on her journey to financial literacy and I love it! I always say you can never start too young, and this is proof.
- I love it when the personal finance blog space answers questions for me, and this week Grayson from The Debt Round Up talked about how to sell a car on Craigslist and me and the hubby were just talking about what to do with his car.
- Dee at Color Me Frugal now has me all pumped up to do more shopping at Amazon, which I love, but never thought to use as a "regular" shopping location.
- Ryan at Impersonal Finance commented on my blog about not being inspired, but I think he was just sandbagging because he wrote a very inspired post about clothes not equaling success.
In other news...
I was very excited to hear that two bloggers that I enjoy, John from Frugal Rules and Grayson from The Debt Round Up have teamed up to start a new blog called Sprout Wealth which is focused solely on helping us all grow our money by all means possible. I love the look of the site, I LOVE the logo, and I can't wait to see what they share.A BIG THANK YOU to the ladies who honored me during Women's Power Wednesday this week, Laurie at The Frugal Farmer, Stefanie at The Broke and Beautiful Life and Wendy at Girl Meets Debt.Another BIG THANK YOU to John at Frugal Rules for sharing my Don't Fear the Reaper post, and the Carnival for Retirement Planning for choosing my post on Investing Fear Factors as one of the Editor's highlights. Next week is the beginning of April and we will be talking about getting fooled about our finances. Enjoy your weekend!!Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend? Is your NCAA bracket still somewhat in tact or is it in the trash with mine?