Music Mondays - Thank You
Love / Hate Relationship with Thanksgiving
I have had a love/hate relationship with Thanksgiving for many years, and I am now at the point of loving it; however, I didn’t always feel this way. For years, I hated Thanksgiving because I have always struggled with my weight and a holiday focused on nothing but eating is not one that I wanted to celebrate.I also have a large family, and there was a period of time where the holidays just brought out the worst in everyone. Also, the day after Thanksgiving seven years ago, my son Will was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance because he was in respiratory failure. Needless to say, it’s been a bumpy road for me to embrace this particular holiday.
Mostly Love Now
It wasn’t until three years ago when I asked Will his favorite holiday and he replied Thanksgiving that it started to change for me. I was shocked that a five year old would reply Thanksgiving rather than Christmas, and when I asked him why Thanksgiving was his favorite he declared, “It’s when all of the family is together.”There is something about a child’s view on life that helps shape yours as an adult. Despite the fact that my family can drive me nuts, my son loves the fact that we make the effort to get together. Thanksgiving is not about food, it’s about thanks and gratitude and those emotions should be celebrated.
My Thanksgiving Mindset
My son made me readjust my Thanksgiving mindset, and I finally started to focus Thanksgiving as a time for giving thanks rather than a time for putting on weight and family drama. When I changed my mindset, the holiday experience changed for me dramatically.I now utilize Thanksgiving as the kick off to my season of thanks and gratitude, and this year I am most thankful for the people in my life. I love the line in this song by Dido,
I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life
I dedicate this line to those of you that I am thankful for. This past year has been one of the scariest and yet one of the most fulfilling in my life as I ventured out on my own to start a company that many people said wouldn’t do well. One year later, I am in the works on something big for this company, and I could not have gotten here without many people, so I am taking today to thank them.
Thank You
My Hubby
When I told him almost two years ago my idea for this company, he was not sure, and he admitted so on my podcast a few weeks ago. We went through a tough period in our marriage; however, we have worked through it, and he is truly my biggest cheerleader. He has seen me at my best and at my worst and his loving support motivates me to keep pushing myself to achieve more.
My Son
Words could never capture the depth of love I have for him. I said in the dedication of my book that loving him makes me a better person, and it’s true. Because of my love for him, I have immense compassion and empathy for my clients, friends and family. The other day he said that he was proud of me for so many reasons, and it made my day. I am building a company and a legacy that I hope he will be proud of.
My Friends
I love the quote, “Friends are family you choose,” and this saying absolutely applies to me. My family has let me down in a number of ways over the years, but my friends never seem to fail me. They listen to me when I need to vent. They toast with me when I need to celebrate. They pick me up when I fall, and they carry me when the fall is particularly bad. Fortunately for me, over this last year, I can add blog friends to this list in addition to real life friends.
My Clients
When I left my company over a year ago, I had many naysayers say that no one would pay me to help them with their money. So, my clients not only prove those naysayers wrong, they validate my business model. My clients have achieved amazing goals they never thought possible, and in doing so, they inspire me everyday. Watching their progress is one of the greatest gifts, and it makes every sacrifice I have made for this company worth it.