Lemonade Stand Review and Giveaway


Lemonade Stand

Shannon Ryan is someone that I have become friends with through our blogs. I follow and adore lots of bloggers, but feel a cosmic connection to Shannon. The obvious first connection is the fact that we share the same name, we are both financial planners, we both have 8-year-old children, we are both smart blondes and we share an immense passion for educating the next generation in financial health and literacy. I knew that she had been working on a book targeted for kids, and I was so excited when she asked me to review this book. I not only reviewed the book, but had my 8-year-old son, Will, review it as well. I hope you enjoy both reviews.

Financially Blonde's Review

The Lemonade Stand tells the story of two brothers, Ryan and Christopher, who have a difficult time delaying gratification and want everything that they see. Fortunately for Ryan and Christopher, they are good friends with Lauren and Taylor who understand the value of delaying gratification and working for something. As a means to teach Ryan and Christopher a lesson, Lauren and Taylor help them set up a lemonade stand.One of the greatest parts of this book to me was the simple lesson of "save, spend and share." We all understand the value of saving; however, it is important to remember to reward yourself for your hard work, and incorporate responsible spending in your financial plan. We should also not just think about our budgets selfishly and that is where the sharing comes in. When we give back to others, we not only make them feel good, but we make ourselves feel good. We are all called to give back and sharing should be as much a part of our financial plans and saving and spending.

Will's Review

So, I asked my son who is 8 if he wanted to read this book and give me a review. He wrote the below review and since his script is a little difficult to read, below the picture is the translation.lemonade stand2"I love the book. I loved the way you wrote the letters like a kid did it I love the moral of this story. I bet kids will love it. I like how its about saving money. I think this was a great book. This book will teach kids to save money for something that makes them happy."I agree Will - I loved this book too and hope that it teaches kids and adults to save money for something that will make them happy. Make sure you sign up for the giveaway below and try to win a free iPad Mini!! 

The Lemonade Stand - iPad Mini Giveaway

July 14-31, 2014

Sponsored by The Heavy PurseCo-hosted by Are Ya Gonna Eat That, Broke Millennial, Budget and The Beach, Budget Blonde, Budgeting for More, Busy Mom Budgets, Cash Cow Couple, Cents and Sensibility, Club Thrifty, Color Me Frugal, Debt Debs, Debt Roundup, Disease Called Debt, Eat Laugh Purr, Enemy of Debt, Eyes on the Dollar, Femme Frugality, Financially Blonde, Frugal Rules, Living Richly Cheaply, Luke 1428, Making Sense of Cents, Money Saving Dude, Monster Piggy Bank, Not Now Mom's Busy, Reach Financial Independence, Shoeaholic No More, Stacking Benjamins, Tackling Our Debt, The Broke and Beautiful Life, The Finance Girl, The Frugal Farmer, The Random Path, Thrifty Dad, VeegMama and Young Adult Money.Join Lauren and Taylor in their continuing money adventures in The Lemonade Stand by Shannon Ryan, CFP®. Shannon is a Mom on a mission to help busy parents teach their children simple, value-based principles that guide their money decisions and support their long-term financial well-being."Everyone handles money. Unfortunately, not everyone does it with confidence. Money has long been a taboo topic in many homes, which makes it even harder for parents to know where to start or what to teach. So I created a series of children books to help parents ease into these important conversations. Financial literacy is one of the most loving gifts you can give your children, and I encourage everyone to make money conversations a priority in your home."

We're Giving Away an iPad Mini to One Lucky Reader!

Help us celebrate the release of The Lemonade Stand and join Shannon in her mission to increase financial literacy in both children and adults.

The giveaway runs from July 14-31, 2014 and is open worldwide.*

* A winner located outside of the United States will receive a cash equivalent prize via PayPal.