Get Paid to Write for Blogs

Get Paid to Write for Blogs

This post is a part of the Get Paid to Write for Blogs Course Launch! Get Paid to Write for Blogs is a brand new course created by Cat Alford of Budget Blonde. Cat makes a full-time income from writing for blogs, and this course will teach you how to do the same.As many of you know, blogging is not my full-time job. I started blogging almost two years ago as a means to share my voice and my views on personal finance. Like most bloggers, when I started blogging, I was pretty much writing for me and a handful of very supportive friends and family members. I realized quickly, though, that blogging was something that I loved, and I began engaging more in the personal finance blog community.One of the first things I realized when I started following other blogs was that there was a name that I saw repeatedly on other blog sites, and that name was Cat Alford, otherwise known as “Budget Blonde.” Initially I was a “Cat hater” because the first time I visited her site, her main picture revealed that she was not in fact a blonde. For the past 15 years, I haven’t been a natural blonde, but I was born blonde and I will always associate with being a blonde, and I thought that Cat was just making fun of my fellow blondies.

From Hater to Fan

Over time, though, I grew to love Cat because I loved her writing and her personal finance perspective, and a little over a year ago, when Cat and her family moved to New Jersey, she and I became in real life friends. For almost two years now, I have watched the growth of not just Cat’s blogging business, but also her writing and consulting businesses. She is constantly looking to challenge herself with new business opportunities, and I love this latest one, Get Paid to Write for Blogs.In this video course, Cat has taken her years of experience writing for her blog and dozens of others and shared how you can replicate her success. In this course, Cat shares 29 highly detailed videos that are split between 8 different modules, and I even make a cameo in one of them.

A Great Investment in Yourself

I was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek of these videos, and I have to say that they are filled with amazing information that I know would help anyone trying to make money writing for blogs. Even though I am not a full-time blogger or blog writer, I have many friends who make a living doing this, and Cat’s course is a great way to help you fast track your way to making money.This master course is priced at $497, but if you use my affiliate link, you will get it for 15% off. I know for many people this may seem like a lot of money, but if you are serious about this and take the advice you get from the course, I promise you that you will make this money back in no time. I hope you check it out and let me know what you think!GetPaidtoWriteforBlogs_20LogoDo you make money writing for blogs? Would you pay for a course to help you make more money?