FB Weekly Round Up
I have mentioned before that I am relatively "new" to the blog community, but I have been learning fast from some great experts. Every week, I read dozens of blog posts. Some of them are good, some are great and some just reflect a "bad day" for the blogger. We all have bad days, though, and not all blogs can be winners. But every Saturday, I am going to highlight what I felt were the best of the bunch. These are the blogs that helped me feel less "blonde" about any number of topics.1) Michelle at Making Sense of Cents talked about how we make excuses for not following our dreams. As someone who is in the process of doing this, I know there are challenges, but the rewards are far greater than the challenges.2) John at Frugal Rules shared an info graphic that illustrated the costs (physical and financial) of not keeping up with your New Year's resolutions.3) David at Young Adult Money shared the struggles (financial and emotional) he now has with an older cat. This was a great reminder that pets can bring us great joys; however, they have costs associated with them, and we should make sure we are financially prepared to care for them.4) The SITS Girls shared 31 writing prompts for January. As I am still new to blogging, I have not yet had writer's block, but if I did, I love this idea.5) J. Money at Budgets Are Sexy shared a quiz to determine if you are being financially bullied by your partner. It sounds harsh to say "bully," however, I have seen this happen frequently with my married clients. It is usually not intentional, but it can happen when one partner has a stronger financial "view" than the other.6) Shannon (LOVE her name!) at The Heavy Purse shared a great infographic on the importance of budgeting.I hope you are enjoying your weekend! And to my fellow bloggers, keep up the great work!