Weekly Roundup


Let me just start out by giving a BIG happy birthday to FB hubby today!!!! He was born at Kentucky Derby race time 45 years ago today so we always love when the Derby and his birthday intersect. As a "gift" to him, I signed us up to help some fellow NY bloggers clean a park, what a great wife am I? He is seriously a very conscious citizen of the planet, though, and loves giving back so we are excited to be a part of this today.This week I was focused on the pursuit of something more in our lives as I shared with the song, "More to Life," on Monday. On Wednesday, I shared a great infographic on money and happiness. Then on Friday, I shared my top ten favorite movies about people who found something more as well as a dinner for four under $15 that gives you something more than you would expect.

Here are reads that I enjoyed this week:

  1. KK at Student Debt Survivor warned all of us about assuming too much about other's finances.
  2. Brian at Luke 1428 shared a conversation he had with kids he teaches about universal truths in finance.
  3. Laurie from Frugal Farmer shared on The Heavy Purse about the conversation she and her husband had with her kids about their debt situation.
  4. Mel at Broke Girl Rich shared the financial lessons to be learned from Walter White.
  5. Cat from Budget Blonde shared on Young Adult Money about her struggles with managing the appropriate level of shoes.

I also wrote a post on Young Adult Money this week about planning for retirement. Thank you so much to Eyes on the Dollar, Budget and the Beach, The Finance Girl and Color Me Frugal for featuring my posts this week.

Does it finally feel like Spring in your neck of the woods? How are you enjoying your weekend?