Weekly Roundup


Weekly Roundup

Well, this week was an absolutely crazy week, and you will read all about it on my post on Monday. I sat down to write that post, and it came out like therapy. Anywho, I am very thankful this week to Mrs. Frugalwoods for her Music Monday guest post here with Mushaboom. She is actually the first non-FB household member to take on a Music Monday, and I really appreciated her results. Like a number of my commenters, I had never heard of Feist, so it was nice to have my musical repertoire widened.On Wednesday, I asked the question if you got offended easily based on a post I wrote for AOL Jobs. Friday I shared my first few podcasts for Martinis and Your Money - Living a Better Life One Cocktail at a Time. I am excited to launch this going forward. Subscribe and follow along on iTunes if you want. This week, I also had two posts on Stacking Benjamins, one about Disney and one about pursuing your passions.

Here is what I enjoyed this week:

  1. Sandy at Yes I am Cheap shared her story of paying off $50,000 on debt in less than two years despite the fact that she was unemployed and working part time during some of this period.
  2. The Cash Cow Couple shared 35 ways to save money on grocery shopping. After our homes, food is our largest expense and it's the most controllable.
  3. Kali at Commonsense Millennial talked about simplifying her life.
  4. Alicia at Financial Diffraction revealed some of her bigger purchases/regrets.
  5. Tonya at Budget and the Beach talked about the frustrations of playing the game of inches.

Thank Yous!!/Congratulations!!

Thank you to Young Adult Money for sharing my post on his roundup this week. Thank you to J. Money at Budgets are Sexy for sharing my challenge everything balance. If you are not joining in the challenge, you should. And a BIG congratulations to my friend, Erin at Journey to Saving on her engagement this week!We are headed to Philly this weekend to celebrate my god daughter's birthday. I adore her, especially because she used to call me her grandmother instead of her godmother. We also have Will's soccer game on Sunday. I love watching him play, but as it gets colder up here in NY, I start longing for the end of the season.

Was your week as crazy as mine? What do you have planned this weekend?