Weekly Roundup


Weekly Roundup: A Reflection on Bruising

This week I discussed financial, emotional and physical bruises and all of the lessons they teach us. I used the song Bruises by Train to illustrate these on Monday. On Tuesday, I had a guest post from Zillow about closing costs when buying a home to tee up my biggest financial bruise story on Wednesday. Thursday I shared the news that I am now writing for AOL Jobs thanks to lots of career bruises for inspiration. And Friday, I thought we could all use some reminders of how we can recover from bruising and shared my Top Ten underdog movies, most of which are based on true stories. Thursday I wrote on Young Adult Money about when it makes sense to pay full price.

Reads I Enjoyed this Week:

  1. Brian from Luke1428 wrote about your best investment and when I saw his headline in my Bloglovin feed, I hoped he was going to write what I was thinking, and he did!
  2. Laurie at The Frugal Farmer shared some great ways to save money on groceries including making homemade tortillas which is a recipe FB Hubby used (thanks to Laurie) and we LOVE.
  3. E.M. at Journey to Saving asked about the most expensive thing we owned after a large item like a house. I love that I had to think about what that item could be and I think it says a lot about us based on our answer. For me, it is my bed and it was worth every last penny.
  4. John at Sprout Wealth reminded us that if we want to make more money, we have to kick the excuses to the curb. Totally agree!
  5. Kim at Eyes on the Dollar shared how "easy" it is to pay off debt.

Thanks to Budget Bloggess, The Heavy Purse, Blonde and Balanced, for linking to my posts this week. I am excited that today I get to grill and swim with Cat from Budget Blonde, Hubs and the Beans.

What do you have planned for the weekend?