Music Mondays - Don't Stop Believing


Don’t Stop Believing

In all of the Music Mondays posts I have written (almost 52 so far), I am shocked that I haven’t written about this song yet, but I am glad that it has been saved for what I am going to share today.It has been a year now since I started my company that is focused on helping others achieve financial fitness rather than focusing on investments. For most people, investing is not the challenge. The challenge is in the accumulation of the wealth that you can then in turn invest. So day in and day out, I work with clients on accumulating wealth while also managing their debts.

Facing the Facts

When I meet with new clients, I have high hopes for all of them. Sometimes the hardest step is actually meeting with another person like a financial planner. Most people avoid it because it’s like looking in the mirror or stepping on the scale.When you have to share your finances, it is a very personal experience and many people are concerned about the judgment they may face when they “come clean” about their money. My clients know that I am a judgment free zone, though, and I don’t care what their past looks like, I only care about getting them to where they want to go.

Tough to Stick with a Plan

Once I present the plan for the year and the steps to achieve their goals, every client is excited and a little scared. They are excited about having a roadmap for success but scared because for most, it’s the first time they are really focused on working on their money issues.The first month is almost always a good one for all of my clients. They are fresh off the excitement of getting a financial plan and ready to make a change. After this initial enthusiasm wanes, though, some clients continue to perform well, while others start to drift.For my drifters, I send them emails and texts of encouragement or questioning about money habits, since I have the ability to see all of their spending in my system. Sometimes those little nudges get them back on track, while for others, I know I will have to bide my time until their first quarter review.

Importance of Regular Check-Ins

During the quarterly review meeting, my clients get a report card on their financial goals and an indication of how they are doing. For those that are achieving the goals or at least achieving successful money behaviors, they get rewards like Starbucks gift cards, for those that are not, they may see a big red F on their report card.For my clients who get F’s, I want to play the song “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey for them. During their review, I give them lots of tough love, but then strategize better ways that they can succeed going forward. I never stop believing in them, though, even some of my more challenging clients, I continue to work hard with them to find solutions for their money challenges. As a result, all of my clients have made vast improvements in their finances.

With Hard Work, You Can Achieve Anything

On Wednesday I am going to share a case study on my most difficult client to date. She literally had negative money through most of the first part of this year, because she had a problem with overdrafts and money mindfulness. I can’t wait to share her story because despite the earlier setback, she is doing phenomenal!! She is an inspiration and she is working her butt off. She is doing it because she never stopped believing that she could. Despite challenges and setbacks, she never stopped believing and I never stopped believing in her.For those of you out there who think you can’t hit your goals, financial or otherwise, don’t stop believing in yourself. Put this song on, crank it loud and listen to the chorus. The road to financial fitness is not a smooth and easy path, but never stop believing that you can achieve it, because you can!Image Source: FreeDigitalPhotos.Net Aopsan

Have you achieved a financial goal that you never thought you could? Did you have times where you stopped believing you could achieve your goals? How do you get inspired to come back?